Annually Assembly of Members approves the expendable and preventive budget of the Association, along with deciding about associative quote, expressing the general guidelines of the Association and electing the Board of Directors.
- CR Firenze Foundation
- Livorno Foundation
- Cassa di Risparmio di Volterra Foundation
- Monte dei Paschi di Siena Foundation
- Banca del Monte di Lucca Foundation
- Cassa di Risparmio di Calabria e di Lucania Foundation
- Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca Foundation
- Cassa di Risparmio di Pistoia e Pescia Foundation
- Cariplo Foundation
- Con Il Sud Foundation
- CR Fabriano e Cupramontana Foundation
Luciano Barsotti – President
The President is elected by most of the Board of Directors from among its members. He shall hold office for four years with re-appointment and work free of charge. The President is the legal Association’s representative, he shall convene and chair the Board of Directors meetings.
Giovanni Fossi – Vice President
The Vice President replaces the President in case of his absence; his signature is proof of the President’s absence or temporary impediment.
The members of the Board of Directors are elected by the Shareholders’ Assembly and they hold office for four years with re-appointment. It is the body assigned with the definition of association’s operational guidelines to be submitted to the Assembly. They then draw up the budget and the final balance, elect the President and the Vice President and decide upon the admission of new members
- Livorno Foundation – Luciano Barsotti, Lawyer
- CR Firenze Foundation – Dr. Giovanni Fossi
- Cassa di Risparmio di Volterra Foundation – Dr. Silvia Provvedi
- Monte dei Paschi di Siena Foundation – Arch. Paola Bulletti
- Carical Foundation – Dr. Mario Molinari
- Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca Foundation – Dr. Costante Martinucci
- Cassa di Risparmio di Pistoia e Pescia Foundation – Prof. Giulio Masotti
- Carifac Foundation – Dr. Marco Boldrini
- Con il Sud Foundation – Dr. Caterina Ronconi
- Cariplo Foundation – Arch. Cristina Chiavarino
- Banca del Monte di Lucca Foundation – Dr. Sabrina Mattei
The Board of Auditors is made up of three effective members elected for a four-year term by the Shareholders’ Assembly. The auditors ensure the regular keeping of the Association’s accounts through oversights, audits and inspections
Sindaci Revisori
- Marcello Murziani
- Carlo Rossi
- Mario Marinesi
Maria Pilar Lebole
OMA project leader on behalf of CR Firenze Foundation and editor-in-chief of the OMA Magazine
Benedetta Zini
coordinator for internships and job-training initiatives on behalf of CR Firenze Foundation